On site PMV – (Preventative Maintenance Visit)
This package includes:
- PMV Service
- Grindstones replacements
- Water filter exchanges
- Safety inspetions
Water Filter Change
Under the contract we recommend an annual PMV, this will entail a complete full functional test of your machine and grinder along with replacement parts and adjustments as below; Group heads cleaned, group gaskets and showers replaced, steam tap checked and washer replaced, check and adjust boiler pressure, replace boiler probe assembly, check and adjust boiler and pump pressure, coffee levels and weights from grinder, grind quality.
Boiler Pressure Test - Boiler Inspection
A calcium treatment unit will reduce the hardness in the water, thus preventing scale. Scale is a coffee machine’s worst enemy and should this be left unchanged scale will build up and could result in a costly de-scale process to remove it. Additionally a boiler inspector will not certify a machine as fit for use if there is evidence of a high scale build up.
Pressure System Safety Regulations (2000)
Your coffee machine must have an up to date boiler certificate. The Health & Safety at Work Act [1974] requires that all work equipment should comply with statutory workplace regulations. To adhere to this the coffee boiler requires a periodic examination by a qualified boiler inspector. This inspection is a requirement of the Pressure System Safety Regulations [2000] and needs to be carried out in accordance with a “written scheme of examination”.
If you have no evidence of an inspection an environmental officer could order you to shut down your coffee machine immediately.